Medical supplies, therapeutics and diagnostics are obtained by a couple of methods. What we are unable to obtain through direct donation of drugs (local doctors), medical supplies (local drugstores and medical supply companies) we buy with the monies received through donations. Aside from the normal things people would like to have access for we are also treating for Plasmodium falciparum (the most lethal form of Malaria), Schistosomiasis, Anemia, River Blindness, hypertension, STI’s, Lymphatic Filariasis, Trachoma, minor surgeries and a host of other Parasitic and Fungal infections. All medications used by the Village Medical Project are manufactured in WHO-GMP facilities, CADH or FDA plants.
- P.f. specific Malaria Test Kits and Treatments
- Pregnancy Test Kits
- Condoms
- Non-latex surgical gloves
- Wound care supplies
- Adult and Pediatric ABX’s (antibiotics)
- Toothbrushes
- Reading Glasses
- Micro-Cuvettes for Hb HemoCue 201